Rose Souza Richards

Image of Rose

Position Title
International Seed Federation


Rose Souza Richards has served as the International Seed Federation's (ISF) Seed Health Manager since March 2020. The ISF is a key CPPSI collaborator, ensuring harmonization of plant pathogen strain and race identification at a global scale. Rose is the point person for the international seed industry with the International Plant Protection Convention, and responsible for the coordination of an industry-wide response to WTO notifications on proposed changes to national phytosanitary regulations. She also manages, develops, and promotes existing ISF activities such as the Systems Approach, the Regulated Pest List Initiative, and the International Seed Health Initiative.

Rose has spent the last five and a half years working at the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in New Zealand. Rose has a BSc in Agronomic Engineering from the State University of Bahia, Brazil, an MSc in Plant Pathology from the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, a second MSc in Plant Diversity from the University of Reading, UK and a PhD in Plant Molecular Virology from the University of Nottingham, UK.